
Inspired by Tyler Trewhella and Cripple Punk, CripRevolution is here to give disabled people a voice, freedom, and a chance to live a life outside of poverty, paperwork and fighting bureaucracies. A life where we choose our own treatments based on our own needs, where we have reasonable options for housing, and can afford food and the medical supplies we need. A life where we have access to treatments that are the most effective for us, regardless of what insurance will cover, or what direction the political breeze is blowing. Where we don't have to reveal massive amounts of medical information to endless people to get our basic needs met.

CripRevolution is a movement by and for disabled people, with the goal of gathering our stories and using them as evidence to advocate for broad social and systemic change.

Read our Bill of Rights.

Submit your story.

Get help with submitting your story.

Help us. Do you know an ADA lawyer who can help one of our founding members? Do you want to volunteer? Please go to this page.

Read submitted stories.

Postcards to Doctors program.

Dear Hospitals (a letter)

Contact us.